1968年1月,出生于法国第二大城市马赛富商世家的SCHWARTZ迎来十周岁诞辰,其父SCHVEL先生想给爱女买件高品质的服饰作为生日礼物,可惜逛遍了马赛的所有高端商业场所也没寻找到他所想要的。失望之余他惊奇的发现LV、Dior、CHANEL这些闻名于世的奢侈品牌都不曾涉足儿童产业,出于商人敏锐的嗅觉一个伟大的构思即刻在SCHVEL心中诞生。同年3月,SCHVEL先生投入巨资成立高端儿童用品公司,并以女儿的名字SCHWARTZ作为公司和品牌的命名,聘请国际一流专业人才致力于高品质儿童鞋服的面料、款式与工艺的研发。 In January 1968, was born in Marseille, France's second largest city wealthy family of SCHWARTZ usher 10 years old birthday, his father, Mr. SCHVEL want to buy a high quality of her daughter dress as a birthday gift, but unfortunately take a stroll all the high-Marseille commercial establishments did not find what he wanted. Disappointed he was surprised to find LV, Dior, CHANEL these world-famous luxury brand industry, have not involved children, a keen sense of smell for a great business idea was born immediately in SCHVEL mind. In March, SCHVEL Mr. invested heavily in the establishment of high-end children's products company, and his daughter's name SCHWARTZ as a company and brand name, hire world-class professionals committed to high quality children's shoes and apparel fabrics, style and technology research and development.